Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
I could sit and play with it all day...
The LaRue Tactical Weapon Profiler that is. You can custom build yourself a big sexy custom Armalite rifle using all the bits that LaRue build. You could spend all day mucking about with it, like fuzzy felt, but for grown-ups.
I found a link to this on MilitaryPhotos.net, along with this little gif...
I found a link to this on MilitaryPhotos.net, along with this little gif...

Monday, 28 July 2008
The Monday Gunfight
It's crazy, unrealistic, and a bit daft, but it's bloody cool and the pistols have the best muzzle flashes (even if they are quite possibly CG). It's also topical, as it stars the current Batman, Christian Bale, so it might get me some traffic.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kurt Wimmer's Equilibrium.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kurt Wimmer's Equilibrium.
christian bale,
kurt wimmer,
monday gunfight
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Monday, 21 July 2008
Army Code
Massive Defense have put up pictures of the Army Code L119A1 SFW foresight (seen at the bottom of this page that they are due to be producing in the near future (website says July, but as July is nearly over, we can assume that it'll be August or later).
Lots of people are eager to get their hands on this, and Army Code/Massive Defense are obviously aware of the high demand for this largely pointless accessory, and have priced it at £29, which has to be at least £20 too much. As their supply of the now mythical L119A1 barrel has dried up and they seem unable to say when they will again be in stock, I'm not gonna hold my breath. Modifying a standard M4 foresight with milliput (or not being so bloody obsessive about my L119A1 project) is now again on the cards.
Presumably, they have it at this price to pay for their new website.
Lots of people are eager to get their hands on this, and Army Code/Massive Defense are obviously aware of the high demand for this largely pointless accessory, and have priced it at £29, which has to be at least £20 too much. As their supply of the now mythical L119A1 barrel has dried up and they seem unable to say when they will again be in stock, I'm not gonna hold my breath. Modifying a standard M4 foresight with milliput (or not being so bloody obsessive about my L119A1 project) is now again on the cards.
Presumably, they have it at this price to pay for their new website.
army code,
massive defense,
The Monday Gunfight
It's been parodied, copied and posted all over the internet, but it's still one of the greatest movie gunfights ever. It's the lobby scene from The Matrix.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Just Plain Crazy
Just nicked this off MilitaryPhotos.net. A video of some crazy French Puma pilot making a veeeeery low pass. Watch the guy duck as the helo goes over.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
New Links
I've just added a few new links to the Airsoft Links page:
I'd also like to take this opportunity to give props to the amazing Tokyo Model Company who have just supplied me with a NSN ACOG replica and a detachable sling mount in lieue of the Army Code barrel that I ordered in February. I've pretty much given up on Army Code, but the L119A1 SFW project will go on.
Midweek Motivation
I seem to be doing everything a day late. Like the Monday Gunfight, I should have posted this yesterday, but who cares. No-one actually reads this crap anyway.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008
The Monday Gunfight (Slightly Later Than Advertised)
I know it's Tuesday, but I haven't yet got into the routine of posting a gunfight every Monday yet. I'll try and do better next month. By way of an apology, here is a great gunfight from a little known, yet excellent film called The Way of the Gun starring Ryan Phillippe, Benicio Del Toro and James Caan. Enjoy.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
L119A1 Project
Just had this email from Massive Defense:
Hi David,
Thanks for your email. L119A1 Front sight will release in the coming few weeks. Meanwhile I don't have any news for when will the barrel back in stock.
Thanks & regards,
M.D.S./ Massive Defense Shop
Hi David,
Thanks for your email. L119A1 Front sight will release in the coming few weeks. Meanwhile I don't have any news for when will the barrel back in stock.
Thanks & regards,
M.D.S./ Massive Defense Shop
Full Battle Rattle
I just found a link to this slightyl bizarre movie trailer on MilitaryPhotos.net. It's a movie called Full Battle Rattle about the US Army's Iraq training village in the Mojave Desert. Having watched the trailer, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It depicts life amidst a full-blown training exercise that also features 1500 Iraqi-Americans role-playing as Iraqi citizens. It all seems a bit light hearted and playful, which I'm not sure is a good way to prepare for war.
full battle rattle,
Midweek Motivation
It's Wednesday. It's the middle of the week and it's not always easy to keep going through the week. Friday is only two days away and here's the first in a series of motivational posters to keep you going. Yes, I know every Blogger in the world posts these, but they are always entertaining and it's a cheap way of generating search engine hits. Booyah!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Generation Kill
New from HBO, who brought us Band of Brothers (amongst other things), and starting on July 13th, is a new 7-part mini-series about the Marines of First Recon Battalion during the first 30 days of the Iraq war. Generation Kill 'portrays the 'true' story of the young Marines experience at the tip of the spear of the American invasion'.
Generation Kill starts on FX on 13th July (presumably in the US only, initially). Get downloading it, or wait for it to appear in the UK in 6 months or so. In the mean time, enjoy the following trailers and promos and check out the official HBO Generation Kill website...
Generation Kill starts on FX on 13th July (presumably in the US only, initially). Get downloading it, or wait for it to appear in the UK in 6 months or so. In the mean time, enjoy the following trailers and promos and check out the official HBO Generation Kill website...
Monday, 7 July 2008
The Monday Gunfight
The first in a series of movie gunfights. Hopfully, I'll remember to do this every monday to try and make an actual series of it. Alternatively, I may forget and it'll be the shortest series in blog history.
Part One: The Bank Robbery Gunfight from Heat.
Part One: The Bank Robbery Gunfight from Heat.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Brilliant email from Ebaybanned
I got this email this morning from Paul at EbayBanned:
Hi all,
We forget to pay for my hosting renew money so ebaybanned be shut down from HKT 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm 3 July, 2008 . I saw some man said Paul are raided ? Why i will be raided ?? Gun look is illegal at China but i have not store any ''gun'' AND most important, here is China, everything can be fixed by cash!!
Sorry if my stupid late payment make you inconvenience
I shouldn't say too much here. His English is infinitely better than my Chinese.
Hi all,
We forget to pay for my hosting renew money so ebaybanned be shut down from HKT 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm 3 July, 2008 . I saw some man said Paul are raided ? Why i will be raided ?? Gun look is illegal at China but i have not store any ''gun'' AND most important, here is China, everything can be fixed by cash!!
Sorry if my stupid late payment make you inconvenience
I shouldn't say too much here. His English is infinitely better than my Chinese.
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