Friday 29 April 2011

Hobo Stove Part Two: If It's Going to be Hobo, It's Got to be Strongbow

Here we have my first attempt at a hobo spirit burner. Made in about half an hour with the help of a Mora knife, drill and scissors. I dar say, with a good knife and something pointy to make the holes, one of these could be knocked up in the wild without to much adoo, not that it's hard to find empty cans lying around. I'd recommend a decent pair of gloves though, 'cos the edges of cut cans are bloody sharp.

Once build, I ran this for about five minutes on three fills of methylated spirits (one fill being enough to fill the depression in the top of the can). It was a bit tricky to get it lit as it was pretty windy and the burner could probably do with being a bit smaller so that the meths heats and pressurises quicker, but with the help of a little more meths in the bottom of an old tuna can and about 20 matches, the burner was soon going strong. When it's a little less windy, I'll get the rest of the stove out and try rustling up a cup of tea. Cheers!

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