It's labelled up, so I don't really need to over what each bit is and what it's for. Loose ammo usually goes in the canteen pouch and stuff like a monocular, cam cream, tools and the like go in the GP pouch. not much more to say really.
It fits in with most loadouts. The HSGI braces came off as it was very rarely heavy enough to warrant them except when the holster was also being used. It fits in nicely with most loadouts and can carry a load of stuff in conjunction with something low-profile like my SOTech Hellcat. The belt is comfy and doesn't slip down and the whole thing carries everything short of mags. I might get a M4 magazine subload for it to make a nice tidy first line that can be used without a vest.
As well as the super high-speed belt kit, I also have a full set of customised PLCE that has been with me for ages and has gradually improved with age. It's just about exactly how I want it now, with the possible exception of a sandbag across the back of the yoke and some sniper tape instead of the nasty brown electrical tape securing the loose straps. No point in going over what's what, it's all pretty straightforward. double ammo, triple utility, medic pouch, single ammo and a FFD pouch on the yoke. All this sits on a PLCE belt with rollpin ends and a hippo pad underneath.

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