First line: TAG Padded Patrol Belt, (L to R) Tactical Tailor triple pistol pouch, Pointman medium utility pouch, Maxpedition medium roly-poly, Pointman large utility pouch, Pointman double frag pouch.
Second Line: SOTech Hellcat Mk2, custom PLCE X-Harness, Tactical Tailor general purpose pouch, Blackhawk admin panel, Tactical Tailor canteen pouch, Viper triple pistol pouch, UKDPM Camelbak 3L (on back).

The first line is now usable on its own as it can carry 3 pistol mags, 3 M4 mags and two frag grenades. Add a pair of HSGI suspenders and an HSGI drop holster and it should hold up quite nicely as a lightweight urban doorkicking loadout for the summer.
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